Based on the famous Japanese manga series of the same name by Koharu Inoue, The Duke and His Maid is a rom-com anime created by J.C Staff. It premiered on July 4 this year on Tokyo MX and for an international audience on Funimation and concluded on September 19, 2021. Comprising a total of twelve episodes, the show has been made under the direction of Yoshinobu Yamakawa and penned by Hideki Shirane.
Michiru Kuwabata has designed the characters, while Takeshi Watanabe and Gen Okuda have beautifully composed the music for the show. The story focuses on Bocchan, a young duke who gets cursed when he was a child by a witch. This makes him kill everything he touches, thus isolating him from others to not get killed by him. He is accompanied by his maid named Alice and butler. As the story progresses, the closeness between the duke and the maid is also increased and how they will try to break the curse.
Voice Cast of The Duke of Death and His Maid
The characters are voiced by:-
- The Duke by Natsuki Hanae in Japanese and Clifford Chapin in English
- Alice by Ayumi Mano in Japanese and Kristen McGuire in English
- Viola by Inori Minase in Japanese and Kayli Mills in English
- Rob by Hōchū Ōtsuka in Japanese and Kent Williams in English
- Cuff by Wakana Kuramochi in Japanese and Sarah Wiedenheft in English
- Walter by Yuma Uchida
- Daleth by Yōko Hikasa
- Zain by Hiroshi Kamiya in Japanese and Ricco Fajardo in English
- Gerbera by Sayaka Ohara
- Sharon by Kikuko Inoue
When can We Expect Season 2 of The Duke of Death and His Maid to Release?
After the successful completion of season 1, the excited fans are eager to know about the show’s second installment. The foremost season concluded with Duke deciding to marry Alice, leaving his mother in utter shock. He confronted her and accepted the request. The show that has been applauded for its plot and character development has officially announced its second season. The teaser for the same was also broadcasted soon after the completion of the prior season on September 19, 2021.
It is believed that the season is under making and may reach the audience towards the end of 2022 or early in 2023. However, no official date has been announced so far, and fans will have to keep a close eye when the same is out. Just like the previous season, season 2 will also comprise a total of 12 episodes.
What will be the Storyline of Season 2 of The Duke of Death and His Maid?
The story for season 2 has ample sources from the manga series, thus making season two more likely to happen. The approaching season will highlight the journey of Duke and his maid, Alice, trying to break the curse but will be posed with a lot of challenges and adventures. The Duke will be deceitfully allured by Walter in order to make him give up his inheritance.
Daleth will be seen convincing the Duke to make Zain manipulate time by using secret magic. He is also likely to bribe the Duke by making Amelia and a witch approach the Duke.