Tiger & Bunny is a 2011 Japanese animated television sequence directed by Keiichi Satou and produced by Sunrise. On April 3, 2011, Tokyo MX transmitted this series in Japan. The plot takes place in a futuristic metropolis where superheroes fight crime while advertising real-life sponsors, concentrating on two superheroes, the old-school Kotetsu T. “Wild Tiger” Kaburagi and the up-and-coming Barnaby “Bunny” Brooks Jr. They are forced to work together by their employers.
Some of these people work as corporate-sponsored superheroes, and their exploits were broadcast on HeroTV, a famous reality television show. Tiger and Bunny is an anime series based on the fictional city of Sternbild. The plot turns around two of the characters, veteran Kotetsu T. Kaburagi, alias Wild Tiger and newbie Barnaby Brooks Jr., trying to resolve their differences and learn to work together. The movie is now under the direction of MitsukoKase, and the Japanese voice will be expected by artists Hiroaki Hirata and Masakazu Morita, Kotetsu T. Kaburagi (Wild Tiger), and Barnaby Brooks, Jr., again.
Expected Cast and Release Date Of the Tiger And Bunny Season 2
BN Pictures has released a slew of new details on the Tiger & Bunny franchise, including season 2 of the anime. The firm unveiled a new logo to mark the show’s tenth anniversary and plans to republish the first season on YouTube. For the show’s tenth anniversary, BN Pictures established a new website and announced the preliminary character designs for season 2. Before that, the creators have chosen to release all the episodes one by one on YouTube for free. They have also created an outstanding logo and character changes.
Expected Cast
- Minako Kotobuki – Karina Lyle/Blue Rose
- TaitenKusunoki -Antonio Lopez/Rock Bison
- Mariya Ise – Pao-Lin Huang/Dragon Kid
- KenjiroTsuda – Nathan Seymour/Fire Emblem
- Go Inoue will – Keith Goodman/Sky High
- Nobuhiko Okamoto – of Ivan Karelin/Origami Cyclone.
Is the Storey of Tiger and Bunny Finished?
On September 22, 2012, the initial film, Tiger & Bunny: The Beginning, was released. Tiger & Bunny: the Rising series was released on February 8, 2014. In March 2020, a second season was announced.
Ratings of Tiger and Bunny Series
Fans of this animated movie are not many, and this movie is not popular among youngsters in India. But, the ratings in IMDb is 7/10 that is amazing. Some people appreciated the movie too, and some said the movie is underrated. But, even after getting different reviews from the people, all are waiting for the new season.
Are Tiger and Bunny Worth Watching Animated Series?
Yes, of course, but it’s extremely enjoyable, and we will say one of the most enjoyable anime for American viewers. So that’s why you should watch it.
The initial expectation was nothing more than a big screen remasters of the first few episodes, based on many previous animated cartoon films. The fact that there was no new stuff at all, let simply two additional episodes, was such refreshing. Even though it was a new show, it was still far from reaching the heights of the original TV series itself.