My Hero Academia World Heroes Mission is a popular Japanese-based animated superhero-themed movie. It is the third new installment coming under the franchise of My Hero Academia by Kōhei Horikoshi. Now finally, it has been confirmed by the producers for the series Funimation that the new third installment for the My Hero Academia franchise will be making its way to screens in North American theaters.
Kenji Nagasaki has directed the film. This movie will be the third new film to be released in the franchise with its previous two installments, including My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising and My Hero Academia, which was released last year and back in 2018, respectively.
However, this release will also overlap with My Hero Academia’s fifth new season, which was first aired on March 27th and is still being aired by Funimation. So even if you haven’t seen the show yet, you can still watch the movies because they aren’t canon to the narrative.
My Hero Academia: World Heroes’ Mission assigns a new mission to the story’s heroes-in-training. With just two hours to save the world, Izuku Midoria, Shoto Todoroki, and Katsuki Bakugo confront their most difficult mission ever in My Hero Academia history. Deku and his new friend Rody get wanted for a crime they did not commit while interning at Pro Hero Endeavor Agency.
Since Bones’ 2015 translation of Kohie Horikoshi’s manga series My Hero Academia, the franchise has risen in popularity and added to the enthusiasm around its story worldwide. The story is set in a world where people have supernatural abilities known as “Quirks,” but this was not the case for Izuku Midoriya, a young boy who was born without any superpowers in the world of superpower. However, despite his lack of powers, he had a strong desire and dream for a world where people had supernatural abilities.
Despite his limitations as a result of his lack of magical abilities, he never ceased dreaming of being a hero and working towards it! Midoriya then recognizes him and his goal, enrolling him in a high school for aspiring heroes. The series was created in partnership with Funimation and Toho, and there are plans for more future ventures!
Will We get to See My Hero Academia: World Heroes’ Mission on Netflix?
For the time being, it’s fair to presume that My Hero Academia: World Heroes’ Mission will hit cinemas on October 29th of this year. While the film will premiere a day earlier on October 28th, there are currently no updates on its distribution in Latin America or Scandinavia. Also, My Hero Academia, has been previously available on Netflix! Therefore, it will be safe to assume that even this series will be coming to Netflix soon.