Heathers was one of the best movies of its era. It goes back to the decade of the 80s when there was not so high technology available. At that time, making a series of these qualities was not everybody’s tea. Without any doubt, it has the list of best quotes ever.
Also, if you have not watched this movie yet, you should consider yourself an unlucky bloke, as this movie contains all life.
Heathers was based on the lives of teenage guys. So it would be best if you took some time to watch this movie with your family or work colleagues.
Table of Contents
Toggle20. Fuck me gently with a chainsaw. Do I look like Mother Teresa?

- Speaker: Heather Chandler
- Context: Dark
Here the speaker of this line is miss chandler. She was one of the main characters of this whole show. She is speaking these words out of anger and is also giving a taunt to the person in front of her.
She is saying to her that she looks like Mother Teresa. Teresa was one of the leading ladies in the whole world who is known for her revolutionary behavior in South Asia.
She is often regarded as one of the greatest ever born. She could handle the high amount of pressure, stress, and direction. So here Chandler is saying that fuck me gently with a chainsaw. Are you crazy? Am I looking like the mother?
These quotes became famous and were a hot topic for a big fight between the Western and the South Asian people. They were saying that through this quote, they are trying to harm the mother’s image in the whole world.
19. Dear diary, my teen angst bullshit has a body count
- Speaker: Veronica Sawyer
- Context: Anger
Dear diary, my teen bullshit; with this, Veronica meant that she was frustrated with her daily bullshit and crap going on during her teenage life. She wanted to get over that. With this, we can also conclude that veronica sawyer was also an avid writer.
She used to manage a diary of her own in which she wrote about her daily lifestyle and what happened to her and when?
So in this manner, she was writing her diary for that given day in which she wrote that she is facing a lot of bullshit in her life, which has just increased so much that now it has a body count.
This was one of the people’s widely used quotes after this movie was released. It gained popularity some days after its release itself.
18. My son’s a homosexual, and I love him. I love my dead gay son.
- Speaker: Kurt’s dad
- Context: Proud
The people around him often bullied Kurt’s dad. They used to talk about his American teenage son, who had been homosexual since birth.
People used to make fun of him and his son. But out of anger, he made it clear to the people that even if his son is a homosexual kid, he is still my kid, and I love my dead gay son as much as I would have loved him if he had been a monosexual guy.
This shows the love between the father and son. No matter what happens in a person’s life, that individual’s parents will always stand behind him during every moment of their life. This is what makes them equivalent to God.
It is undoubtedly one of the most inspirational quotes on this list. It made many viewers go emotional in the theatre halls while watching this movie.
Kurt and his dad shared a powerful bond nobody could have broken easily. So many people tried to come in between them but failed terribly; this shows the strength Jesus Christ has given to both of them.
17. Did you have a brain tumor for breakfast?

- Speaker: Heather Chandler
- Context: Comedy
Did you have a brain tumor for breakfast? With this line, MS. Chandler is trying to taunt the person before her. The person conversing with Chandler looked a bit crazy that day. He was talking bullshit with Chandler that day, so she asked the fellow person what he had in the breakfast?
Was it a brain tumor? A brain tumor is a giant dead cell that causes cancer, and she was asking this of her fellow person. That person might have felt bad because of such a comment. But that’s how miss chandler is.
She is one of the most remarkable characters in this series. No doubt that this quote became more popular just because of the speaker of this quote. People often use this quote to taunt their colleagues when they do not behave like ordinary people. They often make fun of them by using this quote.
Veronica: “If you think I’m making another suicide note, you’re wrong!”
16. J.D.: “You don’t get it, too, do you? Society nods at any horror the American teenager can think of itself. Nobody is going to care about exact handwriting.”
- Speaker: J D, Veronica
- Context: Interrogative
One another iconic conversation between the veronica sawyer and J D duo. This duo has got many superb dialogues in this movie.
This dialogue is also one of the most famous, as it gained popularity worldwide within a few hours of the film’s release. People talked about this topic for several hours, including the hot topic of the suicide pact.
Suicide was very much common during that time. Also, people used to go for suicide in the case when they were left with no other options. This scene should be watched again in case you missed it while watching this movie.
15. Chaos is excellent! The disorder is what killed the dinosaurs, darling.
- Speaker: J D
- Context: Excitement
Chaos is excellent; this line is just enough to know what J D refers to here. He is saying that chaos is the best thing to happen. This chaos is sufficient to bring a change to our ecosystem. This chaos could be of any type, including an apocalypse or minor accidents.
But this chaos has significantly impacted even if their amplitude was much less. Like they brought a change in the lives of dinosaurs too, they ultimately killed them off, and not even the footprints of those creatures were left on this earth.
But that might have happened for something good so that humans could live their lives easily without getting any harm from external creatures. So now it must be clear that these changes are sometimes good for making significant life changes.
14. Dennis: “I’m not belittling the foodless fund, Peter, but we’re talking teen suicide here. Ask Alison; the number one song in America today is ‘Teenage Suicide.
Don’t Do It by Big Fun. Jesus, man, Westerberg finally got one of these things, and I won’t blow it.”
Peter: “Great, Heather gets the front page, and I get crammed in by the Taco Bell coupon.”
- Speaker: Dennis and Peter
- Context: General
This quote is one of the most fantastic conversations between two human beings, Dennis and Peter. The righteous dude, Dennis, told Peter about the trending song in America then. It was nothing else than teenage suicide.
The examples given by Dennis convinced Peter, and he agreed to turn heather chandler to the very first page, where he would be getting the coupons for his favorite restaurant t to eat tacos. This conversation made people go crazy in the theatre halls.
They were not expecting such a scene to come in this movie, but the director had different plans for his lovely viewers. This conversation became a talking point for the people after its release. People chatted over this amazing conversation for many days with each other. You should look out for this iconic conversation while watching this movie.
J.D.: “Wanna go out tonight? Catch a movie? Miniature golf?”
Veronica: “I was thinking more like slitting Heather Duke’s wrists open, making it look like suicide.”
13. J.D.: “Ah, now you’re talking. I can be up for that. If you know what I mean, I’ve already started underlining meaningful passages in her copy of Moby Dick.”
- Speaker: J D, Veronica Sawyer
- Context: Dark
One of the most iconic scenes of this whole movie is where J D and veronica sawyer are talking about doing something terrible with heather chandler and making it look like she had gone for suicide and they have done nothing to her.
You can now understand the intentions that these guys have for heather chandler. People were angry with the characters of both J D and veronica sawyer for planning such a disgusting thing for miss chandler. It would help if you watched this scene in case you missed it.
12. Dear Lord, please ensure this never happens because I can’t handle suicide. Fast, early acceptance into an Ivy League school, and please let it be Harvard. Amen.
- Speaker: Peter
- Context: Request
The studious boy Peter is praying to God to help him get admission to one of the world’s top ivy league colleges. He specifically wants to go to Harvard College. He is also praying to God to admit him to that college as he has no strength to handle the failure if he fails to get admission there.
This shows that he was frail and had no power to control the failures. Even if you think about that, how can some handle success if they cannot handle the failures? Losses are what makes somebody worthy of success.
What do you think? Would God help him get to the college of his choice, or would he fail? This will be an exciting watch in case you missed watching this movie.
11. Are you a rebel? Do you think you’re a rebel? You’re not a rebel. You’re fucking psychotic!

- Speaker: Veronica Sawyer
- Context: Anger
In this quote, veronica sawyer is trying to tell the fellow guy that he should not assume he is one of the most prominent rebels. The fellow guy thinks he is one of the vast rebels of his time and is on the right path, whereas Veronica asks her to come out of his dreamy world and see reality.
She gives him a tight slap of truth by saying that he is just another fucking psychotic who has no idea on which path he is moving ahead.
She says such idiot guys come and go in this world and are useless to the world. They think good about their personality to satisfy their ego, but in a true sense, they are equal to a big zero.
10. Betty Finn was a true friend, and I sold her out for a bunch of Swatch dogs and Diet Coke heads. Killing Heather would be like offing the wicked witch of the west…wait, East. West! God! I sound like a fucking psycho.
- Speaker: Veronica Sawyer
- Context: Sorrow
This is one of Veronica’s most cliche statements in this movie. She is known to be one of the worst enemies of heather chandler. She lost a close friend just for the contract of dogs and diet coke heads.
To be with those so-called cool guys, she lost her close friends leading to a huge problem for her later. This quote by Veronica became popular within a few days of its existence. People, later on, used this quote as a context in their lives also.
She wants to turn Heather down throughout the movie. This quote is one of the most famous lines by veronica sawyer in this movie. She had got some bad intentions from the start of this movie itself.
Read More:Â 20 Best Hilarious Shrek Movie Quotes to Bring Out the Ogre in You
9. If you were happy every day of your life, you wouldn’t be a human. You’d be a game show host.
- Speaker: Veronica Sawyer
- Context: Reality
People often say that you should live every day of your life to the fullest, but the truth is that it is nothing more than just bullshit. This line is complete bullshit. Nobody in this world could live happily every day. So many instances happen every day that make us feel sad.
The truth is that we live only some days in our lives. If we had lived our life daily, then we would not have gotten the feeling of success, every day would have been the same, and life would have become dull. She compares the life of a game show host in this quote.
This is what makes this quote so relatable to the reality of our lives. Veronica had said such a golden line in this movie. You should look out for it, in case you missed it. In most situations you have seen, Veronica was always planning how to kill Heather Chandler; this time, it was not the case.
8. Jesus God in Heaven, why must you kill such a hot snatch?

- Speaker: Ram
- Context Sorrow
Here Ram is expressing his grief for the God above. He is missing her friend, who used to look very much sassy. Along with being sassy, she was also a lovely and clever lady. He is asking God why he took her friend away from him.
He is questioning his God, Jesus, that there are so many people around in this world who are very much old by their age, but why did God ask only her friend to return to heaven? In this quote, a lot of sadness can be seen.
Even the people watching this scene became emotional and could not stop their tears. People often use this quote in real life when their near ones die. This quote became popular within a few days of its release.
Veronica: “I can’t believe this is my life. Oh my God. I must send my SAT scores to San Quentin instead of Stanford.”
J.D.: “Ah, right. I’m just a little freaked here. Well, at least you got what you wanted, you know?
7. Veronica: “Got what I wanted? It is one thing to want somebody out of your life, and it is another thing to serve them a wake-up cup full of liquid drainer.”
- Speaker: J D, veronica sawyer
- Context: General
One another iconic conversation between the veronica sawyer and J D duo. This duo has got many superb dialogues in this movie. This dialogue is also one of the most famous, as it gained popularity worldwide within a few hours of the film’s release.
People talked about this topic for several hours, including the hot topic of getting admission to top colleges. Stress was daily during that time, as people dreamed of getting an admission call from top ivy league colleges. This scene should be watched again in case you missed it while watching this movie.
6. Westerburg Student: “Did you hear? School’s canceled today because Kurt & Ram killed themselves in a repressed, homosexual suicide pact.”
Heather Duke: “No way!”
- Speaker: Student, Heather Duke
- Context: Shock
This was a tremendously shocking conversation between these two guys. It made people go crazy after they heard what these guys said to each other. They were talking about the famous kids from their school, Ram and Kurt.
These guys were homosexual by birth, and because of the taunts and the repression that both had to face, they decided to kill themselves as suicide to leave all this pain behind.
It was a very emotional moment for the viewers while watching this movie. Even after the movie ended, people felt bad for both of them.
5. Let’s pretend I blew up the school all the schools. Now that you’re dead, what will you do with your life?
- Speaker: J D
- Context: Superficial
This scene was shot brilliantly. Here J.D. asked the fellow guy standing in front of him what, even if he set fire to the school, the fellow person would do with his life. Does he get any strength to handle all that loneliness? This was one of the most iconic and golden quotes by J.D.
4. Veronica: “I just killed my best friend.”
J.D.: “And your worst enemy.”
Veronica: “Same difference.
- Speaker: JD, Veronica
- Context: Mystery
One another iconic conversation between the veronica sawyer and J D duo. This duo has got many superb dialogues in this movie. This dialogue is also one of the most famous, as it gained popularity worldwide within a few hours of the film’s release.
People talked about this topic for several hours, including the hot topic of heather chandler versus Veronica.
This scene should be watched again in case you missed it while watching this movie. The great line in this conversation was the same; it created a lot of confusion in people’s minds, like what is she trying to convey?
3. J.D.: “Well, let’s look at some of the homosexual artifacts I dug up to plant at the scene. All right. I got an issue with “Stud Puppy.”
Veronica: (laughs) “Great!”
J.D.: “Candy dish. Joan Crawford postcard. Let’s see some mascara. All right. And here’s the perfect thing I picked up: Mineral water.”
Veronica: “Many people drink mineral water; it’s come a long way.”
- J.D.: “Yeah, but this is Ohio. If you don’t have a brewski in your hand, you might as well be wearing a dress. Speaker: JD, Veronica
- Context: General
Another J.D., veronica sawyer convo, is on the list. It is also an entire convo between these two guys. People loved the composition that these two human beings had in this show.
They both had planned in the movie to turn heather chandler down by some means. This is another scene you should not miss in case you have not watched this movie yet.
2. Heather McNamara: “God, aren’t they fed yet? Do they even have Thanksgiving in Africa?”
Veronica: “Oh, sure. Pilgrims, Indians, Tater Tots. It’s a real party continent.”
- Speaker: Heather McNamara
- Context: Interrogative
This is a very obvious convo between Heather McNamara and the human being Veronica. These guys are talking about some African traditions wherein Veronica asks Heather McNamara if that is any thanksgiving tradition in Africa or not. Later Heather confirms her doubts by answering them.
1. You were nothing before you met me. You were playing Barbies with Betty Finn. You were a Bluebird. You were a Brownie. You were a Girl Scout Cookie.
- Speaker: Heather Chandler
- Context: Taunt
In this quote, heather chandler is taunting the fellow woman by telling her that she was nothing in the beginning when she met her.
It was all because of her where fellow women have reached. She taunts her by saying you were a kid who used to play with Barbies and Betty Finn. She calls her a girl scout as well. This scene is also counted as one of the most iconic ones in this movie.