Dr. Stone is an animated Japanese manga series that was first aired in 2019. The series is based on a comic manga series written by Riichiro Inagaki with Boichi, a South Korean illustrator. The story revolves around Senku, who happens to be a young scientific genius who plans for the resurrection of the civilization that had been petrified mysteriously for 3700 years.
The anime series was aired on Toonami and other networks such as MX, KBS, SUN, BS 11, TBC, etc. With an engaging plot set in the future, Dr. Stone has managed to get a good fan base. Moreover, there has been quite a stir about the release of the third season of the manga anime series.
When is Dr. Stone Season 3 Releasing?
Dr. Stone was first premiered in 2019, followed by season 2 of the series aired in early 2021, and the third season was confirmed to be in production during the premiere of the finale episode of the second season. Moreover, now the third season of this Japanese anime series is all set to be premiered around April 2023. With the release of the official teaser of Dr. Stone season 3, one can indeed say that the teaser looks promising and gives the fans a glimpse into the adventures on an open sea.
It was recently revealed that the third season’s title is going to be Dr. Stone: New World. And it is expected to premiere around April of 2023. This Dr. Stone New World trailer was released during Jump Festa 2023 on December 18, 2022. However, there haven’t been any official announcements regarding the release date of Dr. Stone season 3. But since the teaser is already out, the official release date can be expected soon.
The Expected Cast and Plot of Season 3
The characters in Dr. Stone will remain more or less the same. With the voice cast remaining the same as well. The main characters of Senku and Taiju will be voiced by voice artists like Yusuke Kobayashi and Makoto Furukawa, respectively, for the Japanese version. While on the other hand, for the English dub, Aaron Dismuke will be voicing Senku, and Ricco Fajardo will be voicing Taiju.
The other characters will be voiced by actors like Felecia Angelle, Brandon McInnis, and Brittany Lauda for the English dub, and Manami Numakura, Ayumu Murase, and Gen Sato for the Japanese dub. However, as far as the induction of new characters and voice artists are concerned, it has not been revealed yet.
If sources are to be believed, the plotline of season 3 of Dr. Stone will be inspired by the manga series’ chapter Age of Exploration, where Senku and his comrades go on an adventure in an open sea, sailing around the world, hoping to find answers to the curse that fell upon the civilization. Will they succeed in the quest to save humans is what might be expected out of season 3.
Where to Watch Season 3 Teaser?
The makers released Dr. Stone’s Season 3 teaser some time back, and the teaser is available on the internet. Moreover, as far as the series is concerned, one can watch it on Crunchyroll outside Asia, Animelab in New Zealand and Australia, and Iqiyi in Southeast Asia. In addition, Dr. Stone’s season 3 can be viewed on Toonami in the United States and is available on Netflix India.
1. What is the genre of the Dr. Stone manga series?
The genre of Dr. Stone’s series includes Science fiction, adventure, and post-apocalyptic.
2. Content rating of the Dr. Stone manga series?
It received a TV-14 content rating. TV-14 rating means it might be suitable for teens aged 14 or over 14 as it could include violence.