The Office is an American sitcom that was first aired in March 2005 and went till May 2013. It has been based on the BBC series of the same name. The Office America has been developed by Greg Daniels starring Steve Carell, Rainn Wilson, John Kransinski, Jenna Fischer, B. J. Novak, Melora Hardin, David Denman, Leslie David Baker, Brian Baumgartner, Kate Flannery, Angela Kinsley, Oscar Nunez, Phyllis Kinsey, Ed Helms, Mindy Kaling, Paul Lieberstein.
Till now, there have been 9 seasons with 201 episodes in total. The office might be a cringe comedy, but they surely gave us some of the best pick up lines that never fail. So, we present to you The Office pick up lines:
Table of Contents
Toggle22. “Are you more of a fruit or a root man?”

- Said by: Dwight Schrute
- Said to: Clark
- Season: 9
- Episode: 1
- Episode Name: New Guys
If it was a gay conversation in real life in an office, it would have been one of the best pick up lines of your life.
At the point when Dunder Mifflin gets two new representatives, Clark and Pete, Dwight began to appreciate Clark right away. In addition to the fact that Clark looked like a small-scale form himself, he was an individual sales rep who needed to accomplish well working.
He later became one of the additional irritating characters however he and Dwight shared an extraordinary bond.
At the point when Dwight was attempting to get to know Clark, he inclined in genuine close and inquired as to whether he was a “fruit man or a root man.” Clark expected Dwight was hitting on him with a conversation starter like that and let him know he wasn’t gay.
Dwight’s misleading conversation starter was strict, and he was curious as to whether Clarke preferred beets over natural products, which made the scene more amusing.
21. “You would be a great one to buy an auger with.”
- Said by: Ester’s sister
- Said to: Clark
- Season: 9
- Episode: 18
- Episode Name: Promos
For a casual day to be expected with your girl’s sister, you surely won’t expect them to hit on you.
But also, this pick up line made it to our list because it has to be one of the best pick up lines about the drill.
At the point when Dwight turned out to be more serious with Ester, her family attempted to work with Dwight to part a farm hauler together. Ester, her sisters, and her father appeared at Dunder Mifflin in the farm truck, which Clark cherished.
Ester’s sisters started hitting on Clark and let him know he would be the ideal individual to purchase a drill with.
While Clark was complimented by the commendation, he understood the lady was simply utilizing him because a person like him has no clue about what a drill even is. Dwight and Ester were undeniably more viable than Clark and one of Ester’s sisters.
20. Hello. This is Dwight Schrute. If you are listening to this, you are a lucky woman Michael has seduced. Ah, to be in your shoes…”
- Said by: Dwight Schrute
- Said to: CD (recording)
- Season: 6
- Episode: 4
- Episode Name: Niagara Pt. 1
Ain’t this the sweetest thing Dwight has done for Micheal? In his way ofc. Not a pick up line, I know, but still, this quote had to be made to our list.
One of the most incredible Michael Scott and Dwight Schrute episodes is the point at which the two are making a trip to Niagara Falls for Jim and Pam’s wedding. While on the ride, the two discussed each of the potential ladies they could meet. Dwight even made a CD for Michael to play when he tempts a lady.
As though conversation starters weren’t enough for Michael, Dwight’s CD began with him referring to the lady as “lucky” before wrapping up with, “Ah, to be in your shoes. What’s next you’re probably wondering? Don’t be scared of your night in Heaven.”
19. “Hey Boom guy, when are you gonna boom me?”
- Said by: Meredith Palmer
- Said to: Brian
- Season: 9
- Episode: 13
- Episode Name: Jr. Sales Man
This is one of the best pick up lines The Office has given us.
In season 9, Brian the blast administrator for the narrative group started showing up the nearer he got to Pam. Brian caused problems by connecting with Pam to an extreme so he had a go at staying away. Notwithstanding, that didn’t prevent Meredith from taking action against him.
In one of Meredith’s more unseemly minutes, she asked Brian when he was going to “boom” her. Meredith’s conversation starter fizzled, and Brian turned her down amenably before returning to work.
18. “Do you like candy? Because you’re sweeter than candy.”
- Said by: Dwight Schrute
- Said to: Angela Martin
- Season: 2
- Episode: 12
- Episode Name: Injury
This has to be one of The Office pick up lines which you are definitely gonna use.
Before Dwight Schrute and Angela separated, had a youngster contract and began an issue — they were secret sweethearts in a secret relationship. At the point when Dwight had his blackout, his actual affections for Angela came out when she was getting a piece of candy from the candy machine.
He was more profound and more pleasant than ordinary. With a sweet treat in her grasp, Dwight attempted the conversation starter, “Do you like treats? Since you’re better than treats.” Luckily for him, the line chipped away at Angela.
17. “So, you still missing Ryan?”

- Said by: Darryl Philbin
- Said to: Kelly
- Season: 4
- Episode: 3
- Episode Name: Lunch Party
Is she? Is she really missing Ryan? We think she is. We miss Ryan too. This is not one of the pick up lines by Darryl but this is sweet how he understands the situation.
At the point when Ryan left Scranton for another life at corporate, Kelly was single once more. However, after Darryl salvages Kelly from one of Dwight’s messages, she rethought Darryl.
When he was separated from everyone else with Kelly, he cleverly inquired as to whether she was all the while missing Ryan. However, after that exhibition, the main individual she could contemplate was Darryl. And keeping in mind that it didn’t keep going long, the two began dating for a brief time frame.
16. *Ties (and gags) A cherry stem with his tongue*
- Said by: Michael Scott
- Said to: Pam Beesly
- Season: 6
- Episode: 19
- Episode Name: St. Patrick’s Day
One of the best tried to pick up lines by Michael Scott from the entire series is this.
Though it turned out bad. This is not a pick up line but a way to seduce.
In ‘party time,’ Jim Halpert and Pam Beesly were at a point in their lives where they were agreeable enough setting Michael up out on the town.
The stunt was setting him up in a manner where he didn’t understand it was a date. With the whole office at a nearby bar for party time, Pam welcomed one of her companions for Michael. The two hit it off and were having a good time until Michael figured out he was set up.
His whole mentality and conduct changed once he figured out he was being set up. Michael pulled his best shot in the name of “Date Mike.” To dazzle the young lady as Date Mike, he had a go at prevailing upon her by binding a cherry stem with his tongue.
Tying the cherry stem as a get tease turned out poorly and it was a scene that was difficult to watch.
15. “Are you real or are you a holly-gram?”
- Said by: Michael Scott
- Said to: Holly
- Season: 4
- Episode: 14
- Episode Name: Goodbye, Toby
Yo, guy. You have to agree that this was one of The Office pick up lines that left us in a jaw-dropping situation.
In ‘Goodbye, Toby,’ Michael was excited to dispose of Toby from the workplace yet was irritated by the possibility of another person coming in. He understood it didn’t make any difference who took the HR position, as he hated anybody in HR in the first place.
And afterward, Holly strolled in. Michael needed to hate Holly however he proved unable. They had a similar funny bone and she comprehended him like others won’t ever have.
As a method for easing up the mindset and establishing a connection with her, Michael inquired as to whether she was a “Holly-gram.” From there, the pair turned into a misjudged team who communicated in a language just they comprehended.
The couple has one of the most romantic and platonic relationships.
14. “I get very nervous talking to pretty girls.”
- Said by: Kevin Malone
- Said to: Lynn
- Season: 5
- Episode: 18
- Episode Name: Blood Drive
Aww, pretty girls are making Kevin nervous?! Cute. Ain’t it? It is just me or do you guys also think that Kevin looked cute saying this pick up line.
Kevin was verifying that an individual didn’t have to think of a smart joke or hotshot a cherry-stem-tying-experience. He told the truth and it paid off.
In ‘Bloodrive,’ Michael set up Valentine’s Day party for singles in the Dunder Mifflin complex. Kevin met a lady named Lynn that appeared to be similarly as inspired by him as he was by her. Tragically, he was so anxious conversing with her that he overreacted.
After venturing ceaselessly, he returned and apologized, saying he gets “nervous talking to pretty girls.” He even showed her how sweat-soaked his palms were. This affirmation helped him out and the two were seen together soon after.
13. “County music, a road trip, a frisbee golf.”
- Said by: Andy Bernard
- Said to: Pam Beesly
- Season: 5
- Episode: 23
- Episode Name: Michael Scott Paper Company
This was a perfect and beautiful moment for Andy because of Jim of course. Yet another non pickup lines kinda quote from The Office.
At the point when the Stamford branch converged with the Scranton branch, Andy was determined to establish a connection. Subsequent to making Michael his dearest companion, he continued toward old flames. With Jim’s assistance, Andy did something amazing for Pam.
Unbeknownst to Andy, Jim took care of Andy Bernard County music data that wouldn’t work with Pam. Rather than casually complimenting Pam and asking her out on the town, Andy recommended going on an excursion and paying attention to down-home music — conversation starters that could never deal with Pam.
At last, they would play frisbee golf and smoke a few stogies… More things that Pam cared very little about doing. On this occasion, Andy’s conversation starters fizzled.
12. “Tell ya one thing, I’m not gonna be a good mom tonight.”
- Said by: Meredith Plamer
- Season: 7
- Episode: 20
- Episode Name: Train Day
One of the best pickup lines from the Office that you should try if you are a mom and wanna have sex.
11. “Tonight might be a convenient night for us to have some intercourse.”
- Said by: Dwight Schrute
- Said to: Angela
- Season: 7
- Episode: 8
- Episode Name: Viewing Party
This is one of The Office pick up lines that will get you straight on the bed (wink emoji).
No, but seriously, say this to the person who has a good bond with you otherwise don’t blame us for getting slapped. You gotta read the situation, bro.
10. “Nice Basket.”

- Said by: Karen Filippelli
- Said to: Jim
- Season: 3
- Episode: 6
- Episode Name: Diwali
Okay, I know not a pick up line but we definitely assumed that Karen and Jim will end up together.
At the point when Jim began his new position at the Stamford branch, he and Karen had a moment of association. They had a simple exchange that was suggestive of his with Pam. In one episode, Jim chose to change his morning schedule and bicycle to work as opposed to driving.
Seeing Jim stroll to his work area soaked in sweat was excessively entertaining not to say something. While taking a gander at Jim and his bicycle, Karen said “nice basket,” which got a coquettish grin from Jim.
It was little minutes like this that made fans believe Karen and Jim should wind up together. But obviously, Jim decided not to do that. Although, they would have made an ideal date.
9. “12 Days of Christmas”
- Said by: Erin
- Said to: Andy Bernard
- Season: 6
- Episode: 13
- Episode Name: Secret Santa
“Whoever is giving me the 12 days of Christmas as my secret Santa, please stop. I can’t take it anymore. My cat killed a turtle dove; the French hens have started pulling out my hair to make a nest.”
Realizing that his conversation starter for Pam didn’t work, and his relationship with Angela fizzled, Andy took a stab at a new thing with Erin. With Christmas around the bend, Andy gifted Erin the 12 Days of Christmas. From turtle pigeons to French hens to calling birds, Andy gifted them all.
Sadly for him, the astounding birds in general (or “gifts”) ended up being a lot for Erin. They started going after her and her feline and she beseeched him to stop.
8. “You complete me.”
- Said by: Michael Scott
- Said to: Jan
- Season: 3
- Episode: 11
- Episode Name: Back from Vacation
I don’t care but this has to be one of the cutest Office pick up lines.
The most handsome guy of them all, Michael Scott thinks that it is time he should tell Jan (his major crush) and it turned out well for him and if you say this, it will work out for you too.
A person like Michael Scott doesn’t surrender effectively with regards to ladies. He went through years utilizing conversation starter after conversation starter on Jan until it at last worked. When Jan conceded that there was an association between them, Michael Scott started another conversation that he trusted would stick: “You complete me.”
Jan appeared to be both dazzled and upset by Michael, which was all-important for her interest in him. Jan and Michael’s episodes were probably the best in light of how totally sensational they were.
7. “Why have you choose brown and gray balloons?”
- Said by: Jim Halpert
- Said to: Dwight Schrute
- Season: 5
- Episode: 14
- Episode Name: Lecture Circuit
Dwight would choose brown and gray balloons just because it matches the carpet. Ain’t it adorable? A guy considering the color scheme.
The underwritten conversation is from one of the scenes that include the best lines from our cool sitcom The Office.
It was Jim’s birthday and he read the banner saying “It is your birthday” to which Dwight replied that it is a statement of fact. To which Jim gave a hilarious reply Not even an exclamation point?
6. “Holly, you and I are soup snakes.”
- Said by: Michael Scott
- Season: 5
- Episode: 28
- Episode Name: Company Picnic
“I lied to Kevin Malone. Holly and I can never be just friends. I wrote down a list of bullet points why Holly and I should be together, and I’m going to find the perfect moment today and I am going to tell her. Number one, “Holly, you and I are soup snakes.” The… and… the reason is… because.. in terms of the sups, we like to- that doesn’t make sense. Holly and I are soul mates.”
It was actually a mistake. Michael Scott couldn’t even read his writing, but he read “soulmate” as “soup snake” which we agree doesn’t make sense at all. But Michael, we want to be your soup snake too.
Michael, who gained from David that Buffalo was getting the hatchet, makes the declaration by addressing the inquiry and Holly affirms it’s right. The Buffalo branch, plunking down in front, wasn’t excessively satisfied.
Concerning the volleyball competition, the DM-Scranton group was struggling until Pam steps in. Obviously, Pam played volleyball consistently all through her pre-adulthood, and on account of her capacities, her group kills.
At the point when it came time to play corporate, Pam staggered and Charles, who actually has it out for Jim even though he’s presently not his chief, demanded that Pam get her lower leg checked out, guaranteeing that since it’s an organization excursion, it’s an organization injury. He’s simply attempting to get the headliner off the court, obviously.
Jim took Pam to the clinic while Dwight utilized different slow-down strategies to hold the game back from firing back up. As Pam was going to go in for an X-Ray, the attendant got terminated going inquiries.
Pam simply needed to hurry through it so she could return to the game however when we saw her next, she was in a test room conversing with a specialist.
5. “For all their generosity of spirit, they password protect their wireless?”
- Said by: Ryan
- Said to: Kelly
- Season: 7
- Episode: 7
- Episode Name: Christening
In the Christening, Pam gives a talk about being spotless in the workplace and Dwight claims that you stay sound by getting microbes on you. Sniffling and hacking on Dwight follows.
The whole Dunder Mifflin group heads to chapel for child Cece’s Christening. Michael needs to be the guardian yet is turned down. Everybody in the congregation gets to welcomed Pam and Jim’s gathering.
Each of the additional individuals eats all-weather food at the gathering, so everybody flies off the handle about it. Michael wishes that the Dunder Mifflin individuals had a great time as the evangelists, yet no other person believes should do anything.
Michael chooses to join on the mission transport to Mexico. Andy goes along with him, however at that point the two of them promptly lament the choice and make the bus station. Dwight attempts to offer paper and printers to everybody in the congregation.
Jim loses Cece at the gathering and afterward guarantees that Angela took her. Pam’s mother had the child the whole time.
4. “Life is short. Drive fast and leave a sexy corpse. That’s one of my mottos.”
- Said by: Stanley Hudson
- Said to: Jim Hapret, Pam Beesly
- Season: 8
- Episode: 15
- Episode Name: Tallahassee
In Scranton, the workplace is left without a secretary. Not having any desire to get snagged into being assistant once more, Pam Halpert (Jenna Fischer) challenges Andy Bernard’s (Ed Helms) requests to pick up the telephone.
With the remainder of the staff also declining to pick up the telephone, Andy is left with no decision except for to take on the assistant’s job himself, and plays out the gig with startling energy.
He arranges new magazines for the holding up region, cooks smaller than usual pizzas as gathering snacks, variety facilitates the work area, and gets a mail truck to convey mail.
Pam and Darryl Philbin (Craig Robinson) endeavor to work him out of his freshly discovered delight, trusting it to be connected to his waiting affections for Erin, to no achievement. By the day’s end, a guest makes reference to that she misses Erin, to which Andy tells her that he does as well.
3. “Well on pretzel day, I like pretzel day.”

- Said by: Stanley
- Season: 3
- Episode: 5
- Episode Name: Initiation
“I wake up every morning in a bed that’s too small, drive my daughter to a school that’s too expensive, and then I go to work to a job for which I get paid too little, but on pretzel day? Well, I like pretzel day.”
It was a thought made by Billy Merchant, the structure proprietor of Scranton Business Park in which one time per year, a seller comes around with a little stove and a few delicate pretzels as well as garnishes.
One free pretzel is given to whoever works in the structure and holds up in line. In the episode, Pam Beesly (Jenna Fischer) should monitor Michael Scott’s (Steve Carell) efficiency, however, Michael goes through his day sitting tight in line for a pretzel.
Stanley Hudson is particularly enamored with this day, generally, he says, since it is a break from “a task for which he gets compensated pretty much nothing.”
2. “I declare bankruptcy!”
- Said by: Michael Scott
- Said to: Oscar
- Season: 4
- Episode: 7
- Episode Name: Money
In the episode, Jan, presently living with Michael, powers expensive changes in Michael’s day-to-day existence and he begins to stress over his monetary circumstance.
To cure the issue, Michael goes home right on time for late-night work as a phone salesperson until 1 a.m. At the point when Ryan finds out, he powers Michael to stop, who then, at that point, fears that it is impossible that in which he can uphold Jan and himself.
He jumps a train to take off, yet Jan meets him and lets him know that they can cooperate to figure out how to live. In the interim, Dwight pines over Angela, who is subsequently asked out by Andy.
After a motivational speech by Jim, Dwight returns to his ordinary irritating self, to Jim’s pleasure. Pam and Jim visit Dwight’s family ranch, which he has formed into a quaint little inn.
1. Ain’t no party like a Scranton party, ’cause a Scranton party don’t stop!”
- Said by: Michael Scott
- Said to: Jim Halpert, Dwight Wilson, Jim.
- Season: 3
- Episode: 2
- Episode Name: The Convention
This is one of the best Office lines ever.
In the episode, Michael Scott (Steve Carell) and Dwight Schrute (Rainn Wilson) from the Scranton part of Dunder Mifflin, as well as Josh Porter (Charles Esten) and Jim Halpert (John Krasinski) from the Stamford branch, leave for Philadelphia for the yearly office supply show.
Michael, irate at both Jim for leaving the Scranton branch, as well as Josh for being better than him, attempts to one-up Josh at each potential open door. In the interim, Kelly Kapoor (Mindy Kaling) sets up Pam Beesly (Jenna Fischer) on a twofold date with her neighbor which goes no place.
Toby Flenderson’s (Paul Lieberstein) interest in Pam is provoked, starting a lonely squash on his part. The principal draft of the content incorporated a scene proposing that Angela Martin (Angela Kinsey) was pregnant with Dwight’s kid, however, this was cut by showrunner Greg Daniels.